How can biofield tuning help me? 

Living with Grace & Health

Ever feel that you run into the same patterns over and over again? This can be a physical issue- like always having pain in your neck. Or your low back going out when you are under financial stress.
This can be thought patterns or beliefs that keep you stuck. Self doubt, feeling powerless, or frustrated or unable to move forward are all left sided tendencies.
Over thinking, over doing, over giving are all right sided tendencies. There is a natural state of coherence waiting for you.
If you feel disconnected from your higher self or GOD, Biofield Tuning can help you start to feel connected so you can follow your purpose and live a meaningful life.
Unprocessed events in our past create pockets of disturbance in our unconscious awareness. We end up living from painful memories that keep recreating themselves.
Everyone carries a burden. How it would it feel to be free of the burden- to love life more and feel surrounded by support and protection?
If you are doing your own work to heal and grow, Biofield Tuning can help you get a leg up in the changes you are already making.
Many successful clients already use some form of contemplation to check in with their bodies during the day. During a biofield session you just pay attention to your breath and stay curious about what you feel in your body.
Most of us know that we have some weak spots in our bodies, the places that get triggered when challenges come up.
Biofield Tuning can help you find and stay in a more centered resilient inner space.
A space where you breathe with more ease.
You are able to solve problems when they come up and speak your mind in a kind diplomatic way.
You feel less affected by what other people think or say.
You recognize what your body is telling you before you spiral into a whirlwind of emotions or a migraine.
You learn to allow your emotions- because what you resist persists. At the same time emotions don't over power you, and you feel a sense of self respect and agency to make the choices that help you get your needs met.
As you heal the natural states of gratitude, acceptance, forgiveness & contentment start to be your base line.
Biofield Tuning is a practical scientifically proven way for you to clean up the nitty gritty disturbances that keep you feeling blocked or stuck in depression, anger, regret or sorrow.
It is Rachel's pleasure to serve you because the more clear & connected you feel, the more ready you will be when someone in your circle needs your help. We all have a soul mission. Let's get clear so we can receive the daily steps that will help us complete that mission. And find Joy on the way!

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